"SOMEDAY I'M GOING TO.." have you ever said those words? I bet you have. We all plan on getting to "It" someday, the problem is that when someday comes we are already gone. Ok, so why don't we do those things while we still have time? One word "FEAR" we fear failing, risking, ridicule, financial hardship and the list goes on and on.

75 years, that's what you get if your lucky, 75 years! That means 75 winters, 75 springtime's 75 summers and 75 autumn's "If your lucky". Not a lot of time when you think about it, is it?
So if time is a limited resource, wouldn't it be wise to get the most out of it. What really is the worst that can happen? ridicule, loss of respect and oh no the dreaded failure. I hate to burst your balloon but the odds are that 1 year after your gone less than 10 people will think of you... and after 5 years, less than 3, after that you probably won't be thought of at all.
If that's true then who cares what "they" think; after all it's your movie, you choose the story, the actors, hell..even the music.
I challenge you to become, maybe for the first time, the director, producer and STAR in your play. A little play titled "My Life"
*Written by Angeli 01/12/11
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