Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Man of the Hour - Pearl Jam lyrics

I grow weary teaching the same lessons over and over again, are you people really that ignorant and aloof of things to come that you really do not see what is in front of you. You are burning the fuel in your gas tank and when it is gone there is no place to refuel. You will be alone on the road without shelter, comfort or solice. Carpi Diem "seize the day" make your life matter , regardless of it's current status. If you are Poor then embrace those around you, if you are rich then do the same, for the time you spend here will be the flap on a butterfly's wings compared to the the time you spend after here. I implore you to wake up and embrace life , say what needs to be said , do what needs to be done, love what needs to be loved and experience what needs to be experienced. A fool lives his life as a fool with no end, but a wise man lives his life as a gift with an expiration date.

Please don't be a fool, you will never regret the things you said and did in your dying moments, you will always regret the things you didn't say or do..............

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