Sunday, February 6, 2011

A must read for Men...I am a champion

Men, today is a day you have waited for, you have longed for... today is Superbowl!
Why do we throw so much of ourselves into events that inspire us, that motivate us, events that bring us to life? When we were boys we dreamed  of greatness... and for most of us that was only a dream. Somewhere along the way life happened, you took a job, got married, started a family and gave up on the dream of  becoming a champion.  Well here's a slap in the face for you, the dream wasn't a dream, only your perception of what is was supposed to look like was wrong. Being a champion doesn't mean that you beat your opponent in a sporting event, have a ring, trophy or cup. Being a champion is being a good father, a devoted husband, a responsible employee, a trusted friend. You wan't to be a champion then start focusing on being the best on your own field of play, you do that and I promise you......the stands will fill themselves.

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