Sunday, February 6, 2011

valentine's day

It's been said that valentines day is just for girls, I can see how a guy could feel that way.
I mean really, it's usually the guy who sends the flowers, buys the chocolate, makes the dinner reservations right. It's a lot of pressure......or is it? What would life be without someone to share the highs and lows, to tell how your day was, pat your head when your not feeling well... take it for granted do you?  I've been watching couples argue and complain over the littlest of things and I wonder if they only knew how empty their lives would be without each other. You see, the things that are most important are usually the things that we see every day, the people that are already in our lives, not the one's we imagine might be. Maybe Valentine's day should be like Christmas, a celebration of God's greatest gift, someone to pick us up when we fall, forgive us our faults and love us unconditionally.

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